Just Get Along

Following the failed assassination attempt on former president Trump, I have heard any number of variations on “Why can't we all just get along?” Well, that may sound nice, but there's a good reason why we can't and why we shouldn't. Calls for “toning down the rhetoric” or “seeking common ground” or “restoring national unity” all seem to me to be sugar-coated strychnine pills. There is no national unity for the simple reason that too many persons in high office and other positions of influence are ideologically committed to “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

“Fundamentally” is from the Latin fundamentum, derived from from fundare ‘to found'” Iand there are indeed significant political forces in the United States whose stated intent is to abolish the foundation of this country and to replace it with another foundation of their own design. There simply can be no common ground between those who adhere to the values and ideals of America's founding and her foundational documents, especially the Constitution, and those forces who wish to abandon them. One must either resist those forces by any legitimate means or accept the loss of all that has made America America.

Our country's history is unique in the history of the world. We have no ancient myths of how we arose as a people. We are not all of one blood; even in colonial days we had colonists from many different European nations, some speaking German, Dutch, Gaelic, or some other language rather than English. What bound them together was a commitment to certain principles and ideals, especially the idea that human beings are born with certain God-given rights and freedoms and that the purpose of governments is to protect and defend their citizens against those who would deprive them of those rights and freedoms.

The immigrants of earlier centuries came here seeking those freedoms. They became Americans because they agreed with the American Founders' fundamental ideals and values as displayed in the Declaration of Independence, in the Constitution, and most explicitly in the Bill of Rights. That is our national identity, and it is not founded on common ethnic or cultural background but on a common commitment to maintain and to continue to attempt to live up to the ideals and values of the Founders, the quite literally “fundamental” American identity.

So what place does this have in a church newsletter? “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Most of you are probably familiar with that quote from a letter written to Massachusetts militia officers in 1798 by John Adams, but you may not be aware that George Washington had made and elaborated upon the same point two years earlier in his Farewell Address. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

This country is far from perfect, but its fundamental ideals are inexpressibly better than anything that came before or has come sense. They derive directly from the Judeo-Christian belief that God has created men with rights of which no government may justly deprive us. Because we are fallen and sinful beings we have often failed to live up to our own standards, and our history for many years was one of becoming a more just and admirable nation by honoring and striving to implement those fundamental ideals more perfectly in our public and political life.

The way forward for us should be chosen by adherence to two clear commitments. The first is publicly, consistently, and unashamedly to work and to pray for a renaissance of Christian faith and practice. The decades-long struggle to drive Christianity out of public and political life must be defeated and driven back. The second is to do all that we can to ensure that the truly shocking ignorance of most Americans about the history and founding political philosophy of America is replaced by sound teaching of what made America America and why anyone who wishes to “fundamentally transform” this country in fact wishes to abolish it.

May God bless and protect us and our country.

-- Father Bragg+

All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee

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UPDATED: MaRIH Center (crisis pregnancy center) Needs Our Help

MaRIH Center with its all volunteer staff provides help to mothers-to-be and mothers in need.  Please provide some of the items that are needed.. (You can leave the donations where the food for the food bank is collected on the pew in the undercorft.)

Especially Needed
 In Bold are a critical need.

Diapers (sizes newborn, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6)
Baby wipes
Diaper rash ointment
Baby shampoo
Baby blankets
Formula: Simulac Advance Formula
Formula: other but not recalled
Wash clothes
Hooded towels
Grocery gift cards

Food Donations: Help Feed the Hungry

Please help this month with a food donation if you are able. Christ House is very thankful for the food we provide to them each month. Please also buy low sugar cereals (and not the kid's types that have lots of sugar).  Current needs include the following:
• canned meats (chicken, corned beef, spam)
• peanut butter
• jelly
• tuna
• canned vegetables (corn, green beans - (regular and low sodium)
• individual fruit cups (low sugar)
• canned fruit (low sugar)
• boxed cereal (low sugar) and instant or old fashioned oatmeal (18 oz or 42 oz)
• pasta (regular and gluten-free)
• instant potatoes
• Macaroni & cheese kits
Soups: Chunky or Progresso; Chicken broth
• Coffee, cooking oil, flour, sugar

Sunday Services, 7:45 AM, 9:00 AM, & 11:15 AM (for online participation for the services go to: https://www.facebook.com/saintsofscotland) 

Nursery in undercroft for 9:00 AM & 11:15 AM services

Sunday School in recess until September

Wednesday, 12 noon, Holy Communion and anointing for healing, (for online participation for the service go to: https://www.facebook.com/saintsofscotland)

Next Vestry Meeting, September 23, 7:30 PM

SAVE THE DATE: Sunday Oct. 13, Parish Picnic at Fort Hunt Park following combined 10 AM Service, more details to follow
Copyright © 2024 St. Andrew & St. Margaret of Scotland, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
St. Andrew & St. Margaret of Scotland
1607 Dewitt Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22301-1625