Men's Group Breakfast, Saturday January 18, 8:30 AM
The Feast of the Epiphany is closely tied with the Christmas Feast of the Incarnation. The word Epiphany is Greek and means “manifestation” or “appearance.” The Gospels appointed for the Sundays of Epiphanytide all maintain the theme of “manifestation” in one way or another.
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus, as a young boy, revels Himself as God's Son. On Epiphany II we read of His Baptism and God’s declaration that Jesus is His bellowed Son. We will also hear of the miracle at Cana's marriage feast which manifested Jesus as the One to bring a new marriage bond between God and His people. And we will hear how Jesus manifests Himself as the One who heals, and the One who welcomes the Gentiles into the kingdom of God.
We will see Jesus revealed as a wise teacher. And lastly we will see Jesus revealed as the “Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” The ultimate manifestation of God Incarnate remains a mystery to us, but the Gospel promise is that He will indeed make Himself visible to all the world.
A Prayer for Epiphany
“Almighty and everlasting God, who has made known the incarnation of thy Son by the bright shining star, which when the wise men beheld they adored thy majesty and presented costly gifts: Grant that the star of thy righteousness may always shine in our hearts, and that for our treasure we may give to thy service ourselves and all that we have; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
There are a treasure trove of wonderful prayers and collects to convey the significance of the Epiphany, or the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. Perhaps I am partial to this prayer because it is so ancient. It is translated from the Gelasian Sacramentary, the second oldest surviving liturgical book of its kind. A sacramentary contains those parts of the rites (Daily Offices, Eucharist, and Pastoral Offices) read by the celebrant. The prayers in the Gelasian Sacramentary date back as far as the early 600’s A.D.
I can imagine the authors of these ancient prayers writing from a perspective that was so much closer to the historical events of Jesus’ life and ministry; that they were somehow more attuned to a sacredness that has been faded with time. This of course is not true. The significance of Christ’s earthly ministry is just as real and powerful today as in any day of the past. It is timeless of course!
The Epiphany is God’s gift of light to the entire word; the signal that this small, helpless child born of a virgin in the humblest of surroundings, is our King of Kings, our Messiah and Savior. The wise men brought this child savior “costly gifts” as a sign of gratitude and respect. God does not expect the same from us. We simply have to accept into our hearts the light from “the star of thy righteousness.”
The events of the Epiphany are just as significant today as they were when the wise men made their visit, and when the anonymous clerics wrote the prayers of the Gelasian Sacramentary. In 2025 there are more people on this Earth hungering for the Good News of that Light than in any time in the Church’s history. And there are plenty who have heard and forgotten this gift of Epiphany. So for this Epiphanytide let us focus on being beacons of this Gift, this Divine Revelation and Light, to those who seek out this Light and to those who are yearning to break free of the darkness. We must ensure that our hearts are open to receive God’s gift for us, so that we can help other receive God into their hearts. We can achieve this by heeding the wisdom of St. Leo the Great:
“As the wise men fell down and worshiped Him in a manger, so let us fall down and worship Him, enthroned omnipotent in heaven. As they opened their treasures and presented unto him mystic and symbolic gifts, so let us strive to open our hearts to him, and offer him from thence some worthy offering.”
-- Father Chris
To do good, and to distribute, forget not; for with such
sacrifices God is well pleased
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Services & Events
Sunday Services, 7:45 AM, 9:00 AM, & 11:15 AM (for online participation for the services go to:
Sunday School, 10:30 AM
Nursery 9:00 & 11:15 Services
Wednesday, 12 noon, Holy Communion and anointing for healing, (for online participation for the service go to:
Men's Group Breakfast, Saturday January 18, 8:30 AM, Breakfast by our chef extraordinaire Claude Crump, Bible study with Father Bragg, and great fellowhship
Vestry Meeting, Tuesday, January 21, 7:30 PM
Annual Meeting, Sunday January 26, following a combined 10:00 AM Service, please fill out a proxy in case you cannot attend: they are available on the narthex table or email Senior Warden Ron Pearson to let him know you are giving him or the Rector your proxy in case you can't be there (
Please help MaRIH Center now. The need is great and urgent this time of year. With its all volunteer staff the Center provides help to mothers-to-be and mothers in need. Please provide some of the items that are needed.. (You can leave the donations where the food for the food bank is collected on the pew in the undercorft.)
Especially Needed
In Bold and with an asterisk are a critical need.
Diapers (sizes newborn, *1, 2, 3, *4, *5, & *6)
*Baby wipes
*Diaper rash ointment
*Baby shampoo
*Baby blankets
*Baby bottles
*Bibs toddler
*Formula: *Simulac Advance Formula
Formula: other but not recalled
*Wash clothes
*Hooded towels
*Fall Winter clothing: 3-6 mo, 2T
*Winter coats 2T
*Grocery gift cards
Food Bank Needs
The food bank appreciates the generosity of our parish.Please help this month with a food donation if you are able. Those we help feed are very thankful for the food we provide to them each month. Please also buy low sugar cereals (and not the kid's types that have lots of sugar). Current needs include the following:
canned meats (chicken, corned beef, spam)
peanut butter
canned vegetables (corn, green beans - (regular and low sodium)
individual fruit cups (low sugar)
canned fruit (low sugar)
canola or vegetable oil (48 oz)
boxed cereal (low sugar) and instant or old fashioned oatmeal (18 oz or 42 oz)
pasta (regular and gluten-free):
instant potatoes
single serving fruit juice
macaroni & cheese
soups: Chunky or Progresso,noodle soup; chicken broth, cream of mushroom
coffee, cooking oil, flour, sugar
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Our mailing address is:
St. Andrew & St. Margaret of Scotland
1607 Dewitt Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22301-1625